PAST EVENT Study Day – Ceramics as Sculpture: Celebrating Figurative Art in Clay

Friday, 28 June 2019
Masterpiece London, Lecture Theatre, Pavilion, South Grounds, The Royal Hospital Chelsea, London, SW3 4LW

Come and join us for a day of lectures at Masterpiece London!

Cost £45, includes free admission to Masterpiece London, light refreshments

9:30 Doors open for Registration

10:00–11:30 Welcome and three lectures

11:30–12:00 Coffee break

12:00–1:30 Three lectures

Lunch on your own, there are many restaurants at the fair

3:30––5:00 Tour of select exhibitors

5:00 Reception

Please note, information correct at time of posting, but subject to change without notice.


Photo Credit: Personification of the River Nile, hard-paste biscuit porcelain,
Giovanni Volpato (1732–1803), Rome, ca. 1785–95
Purchase, The Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation Inc. Gift, 2001
Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, 2001.456

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