Join our Emerging Scholars Group
The French Porcelain Society is excited to launch the Emerging Scholars Group. Our mission is to nurture and assist early career researchers, academics, cataloguers, design students, conservators and curators, as well as BA/MA/PhD students the world over, who are enthusiastic about ceramics and wish to further research in European ceramic history.
Through regular informal meetings held both online and in situ (museums, historic houses, fairs, factories, auction houses, private collections, and antique dealers’ shops), the group will engage with the leading professionals in the field of European ceramics and learn both from them and each other. There will be opportunities to share your research and to publish in our online Newsletter and other platforms. Through object-focused discussions and handling sessions, we will survey themes, techniques, styles and materials and all the other things that make fine European ceramics, from Sèvres and Meissen to Delftware and maiolica, so enjoyable.
We welcome expressions of interest from all over the world. All we ask is that you are a member of the French Porcelain Society (annual subscription: £15 for the 35 y/o and under and £40 for others). For more information and to join please get in touch via
Misty Flores
Dr. Mia Jackson
Rebecca Klarner
Errol Manners
Dr. Caroline McCaffrey–Howarth
Nick Stagliano
John Whitehead
Félix Zorzo
If you wish to apply for financial assistance with specific research costs on a project connected with European ceramics or to take part in the Society’s other events, please consult our Bursaries webpage