Rebecca Walker, Collections Volunteer at the Museum of Royal Worcester, is curator of the exhibition display ‘International Exhibition Showstoppers’. Drawing examples from their rich collection of 19th-century exhibition pieces, Rebecca will explore Royal Worcester’s success at incorporating trends to their production. We hope you can join us!
Living Room Lecture: Royal Worcester International Exhibition Showstoppers – Rebecca Walker
Time: Sunday, 23 April 2023, 18:00PM London, UK (BST)
Members will receive an email invitation with instructions on how to join the online lecture. If you want to join, please contact us for more details on FPSenquiries@gmail.com.
Royal Worcester International Exhibition Showstoppers
Rebecca Walker
In the international exhibitions of the 19th century, Royal Worcester was awarded for their impressive displays of technical and artistic marvels. This success can be attributed to the appointment of a new art director, Richard William Binns, who aimed to revive the factory’s production after the disappointing reviews at the Great Exhibition of 1851. The result was a myriad of fashionable and unusual styles that drew inspiration from Far-Eastern designs and historical revivalism, following the trend set by other manufacturers of the time. This lecture will explore Royal Worcester’s artistic achievements between 1851 and 1893 using archive resources and objects from the Museum of Royal Worcester’s storage collection, currently on display in the ‘International Exhibition Showstoppers’ exhibit.
Image caption: Photograph of the display of Royal Worcester Japanese ware at the Vienna Exhibition of 1873, from the archives at the Museum of Royal Worcester