Volume V (2015): Three Centuries at Sèvres: Papers in Honour of Dame Rosalind Savill, Director, The Wallace Collection 1992-2011 Edited by Oliver Fairclough and John Whitehead


Looking at Vincennes and Sèvres Porcelain
Adrian Sassoon

Earliest Chinoiseries at Vincennes and the Attribution of a Figure
Errol Manners

Essai d’identification de peintres de la manufacture de Vincennes avant 1753
Antoine d’Albis

Pompadour’s Exchange of Gifts with the Duke of Newcastle 1751
Alden Gordon

Turkish Delights: Meissen Figures for the Marchand Mercier Gilles Bazin in 1756
Maureen Cassidy-Geiger

The Lampe de Nuit or a Vase à Oignon
Pamela Roditi

The European Porcelain Collection of the Dukes of Parma: Some Objects and Documents
Andreina d’Agliano

A Family Affair: Maria Theresa’s Green Ribbon Sèvres Porcelain Service
Selma Schwartz

The French Connection: Royal Patronage and the Origins of Porcelain Production in Denmark
Ulla Houkjaer

The Riches of the Earth: Mineralogy, Microscopes and Caillouté Patterns on Sèvres Porcelain
Juliet Carey

The Sixth Earl of Coventry’s Purchases of Sèvres Porcelain in Paris and London in the 1760s
Rosalind Savill

Scènes Pastorales en porcelaine de Tournai: l’influence Allemande
Claire Dumortier and Patrick Habets

Painted Luxury: Textile Imitations as Decoration on Sèvres Porcelain
Catrin Jones

Thomas Morgan: Selling French Porcelain in London in the 1770s
Oliver Fairclough

À propos de quelque vases issus des collections Rothschild et conserves dans les collections publiques françaises
Guillaume Seret and Christophe Huchet de Quénetain

Étude d’une garniture en porcelaine de Sèvres ornée de sujets peints d’après Jean-Baptiste Greuze
Vincent Bastien

Les derniers Sèvres de la couronne
Yves Carlier

Two Sèvres Portrait Medallions Identified: Melchior Parent and his Wife
Aileen Dawson

Catherine the Great and Classical Imagery: An Analysis of her Sèvres Porcelain Service of 1779
Isabella Savill

Fidelity and Sensibility
Geoffrey de Bellaigue

Confusions chronologiques
Tamara Préaud

A Pair of Vases Médicis in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jeffrey Munger

The Hamilton and Eglinton Sèvres Guéridons
Bet McLeod

Sèvres at War
Linda H. Roth

Sèvres Porcelain – the Market and Academic Knowledge in the Third Quarter of the Twentieth Century
Anthony du Boulay

Rosalind Savill’s Bibliography


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